Shri Ananda is a visionary artist and soulful storyteller. He began his on-stage journey as an inspirational speaker in 2004, traveling North America teaching resilience. Today he is empowering audiences to release the old stories and step into who they really are…
The following program descriptions have been carefully designed to help individuals, organizations, and companies identify who they really are and what they really want. Shri will tailor each keynote to meet the needs and themes of your event.
Releasing the Fear
what’s in the way of you achieving what you really want
Fear is the expectation of pain.
Clinging to fear is based on habit, whether it is from a more ancient form of habit like instincts passed along for millions of years — the habit of involuntary reactions — or newer types of fear formed in this very lifetime. It is rooted in our lack of presence — the inability to be here in this moment. Each one of us has approximately 60,000 thoughts every day, so we are a little distracted. When we become emotionally hijacked with an energy such as fear, these thoughts take us to one of two places: past pain stories or future fear. Shri will show you how to access the space in between – presence.
Fear being a habit can be broken, or the mind can be trained to see the world differently, without fear arising. The mind will draw a person back into the same dynamic over and over. The only way to get out of it is to interrupt the pattern and change your ways of thinking.
Like our stories, our fears have characters and plots. As the author of our own fears, we can choose to read them in ways that can have profound impacts on our future.
Navigating Change
a journey of growth and expansion
The Chinese word for change is comprised of two symbols – one for danger and another for opportunity. Seems appropriate considering our typical response to change is to either resist it or fully step into it. Let’s face it, we are creatures of habit who like to live within our schedules and routines. We eventually settle into the changes that unfold in our lives and once again life feels comfortable and safe. Until we stir it up that is or someone or something stirs it up for us.
Are you resisting the changes unfolding in your life or your organization or are you meeting them with joy and excitement? Try to answer this question without judgment of yourself or in believing there is a right and a wrong answer to it. It’s really just about noticing where we are at so we can then look at what’s underneath the fear and resistance or even the joy and excitement.
Shri helps audiences see that the change in their lives can be their greatest asset and their biggest opportunity for growth and expansion.
The Road to Resiliency 2.0
a journey to releasing the old story
Shri’s international bestselling book and keynote ‘The Road to Resiliency’ have been shared across North America – helping thousands overcome their adversities.
Now it is time for the 2.0 upgrade. How do we heal and release the parts of our pain stories that we still carry with us? How do we fully step into who we really are and what we really want? Shri will walk audiences though the steps in finally letting go of the stories that are holding us back and will demonstrate how we write the next chapter of our life – the life we truly desire.